Sunday, April 4, 2010

March Miscellaneous

Snappies from my Open Water Course:

Day 1: in the classroom for theory lessons and video watching. i almost fell asleep. i am always sleepy!

Day 2: Pulau Sapi was our destination for the practical lessons. felt sad seeing my lonely tank and BCD when i sat on the boat while waiting for YB to complete the dives for the day. liked my pink mask!

Day 3: went snorkelling for the first time and enjoyed it. i even chuckled to myself when i was amused by the silly antics of the small fishes.

i will be back, Pulau Sapi, when i'm certified!!!


  1. somehow I always assumed that you had a diving license (took your license a couple of years ago). hmm... maybe it's time for me to get a license too. Like I am not sick of the sea yet.

    Chak SK

  2. no no no no i am not a water person, never have been so i've always turned away from any water activity! especially when i'm a weak swimmer, i don't have the confidence to be in water.

    so yeah, now it's just a matter of doing something different! (new year reso, *ahem*)
