Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies

I've been meaning to try making cookies, well, with rolled oats, I mean.

Since it looked pretty hazy outside today, I thought I might as well do some baking. (Gosh, I honestly sound so domesticated these days. =P)

I decided to use this recipe.

And pictures of cookies in the making have always looked so enticing.

They look alright.
OK, I lied. This is the first batch, which I overcooked them a bit. The subsequent batches were watched properly and turned out much better.

I must have done something wrong because I ended up with 104 bite sized pieces. Ooops. =D


  1. they taste reeeeeeallllllly good in cold milk!! i made YB try them this morning and he had to agree. wahahaha
